Claim notification
- Take any necessary measures to minimize loss.
- Notice of claim to TMIV as soon as possible (by phone / email within 24 hours) after accident happen.
- Notice the accident to Traffic Police / Local Police at place accident and take photo site accident.
Loss assessment
- Cooperate with us to conduct loss survey and next steps to repair the vehicle.
- Collect claim documents (as required).
Collect and submit documents
- Submit claim documents and recovery (if any).
- Case No.1:
In case of the repair payment guarantee (at Dealer contracted with TMIV), TMIV will pay to Dealer the approved repair cost after the Insured submit all lacking documents (if any) required on the approved repaired quotation and pay deductible amount and others fee (if any) to Dealer.
- Case No.2:
In case of direct payment by the Insured , the Insured will collect all the lacking documents (including the required documents, repair invoice from Dealer) basing on approved quotation by TMIV. TMIV then pay to the Insured.