Boosting your immune systems
Immune system serves as a defense against bacteria and germs.
There are innate and adaptive immune system. Besides the innate, the adaptive immune system could be boosted through a balanced diet, active work-out and appropriate resting.
Let’s go over a quick to-do-list to boost immune system so that you keep staying healthy despite covid season.
1. A balanced diet- ϖ A balanced diet consisting of diversified nutrition from 5 groups
- ⎫ Grain
- ⎫ Fat
- ⎫ Protein
- ⎫ Vitamin
- ⎫ Mineral
- ϖ Inclusion of plenty of vegetables and fruits along with water at least 1.5l/person/day.
⎫ Cook with raw garlic
⎫ Not cook at high temperature
⎫ 1-3 clove/person/day
⎫ Used to fight flu and cold
⎫ Incorporate in cooking for food or drink
⎫ Rich in vitamin D, B, and calcium which help fight infection
⎫ Rich in Vitamin C with high range of health-boosting antioxidants
⎫ Fruits of rich vitamin C: Orange, Grapefruit, apple, guava…
⎫ Rich in many nutrients such as fiber & vitamin C
⎫ Make sure no overcooking to avoid nutrient loss
Green tea
⎫ Loaded with flavonoids & catechins which help protect cells & organs
⎫ Rich in minerals and vitamins.
⎫ Incorporated into diet: shrimp, oyster…

3. Regular workout
⎫ Physical exercise stimulates white blood cells to work better, helping to release endorphins that can reduce pain and stress, thereby improving immunity.
⎫ In addition to favorite sports, some exercises could be practiced at home during the covid season such as yoga, simple cardio, taichi…
4. Appropriate rest & sleep
⎫ Sleep has a close relationship with the body's immunity.
⎫ Get enough, deep and early sleep at night (average 7-8 hours / day)
⎫ Avoid overwork and frequent stress