Environmental and social issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, inequality, and human rights violations are becoming more complex and serious. With the globalization of supply chains and the expansion of cross-border business activities, the impacts of business activities on the environment and society are increasing. Accordingly, business entities are expected to reduce the negative impacts and increase the positive impacts they have on the environment and society.
Tokio Marine Group in general and Tokio Marine Insurance Vietnam (TMIV) is committed to promoting responsible procurement and procurement practices throughout the entire value chain with our business partners. The "Responsible Procurement Guidelines (the Guidelines)” has been therefore created as our code of conduct.
The Guidelines outline matters to be promoted by Tokio Marine Group as well as its business partners. We also ask our business partners to request their business partners to understand and cooperate with the matters set forth in the Guidelines.
The detailed “Responsible Procurement Guideline” has been attached as below.