Pre-Construction Risk Survey
Pre-Construction Risk Survey
- What is Pre Construction Risk Survey?
- We would like to provide advice for your safety system through a review of site plan and discussion to assist you in reducing any potential risk.
- We would like to propose practical and effective measures based on our knowledge of safety activities from our past survey experience
- Why “Pre-Construction” Risk Survey?
- Our advice in the planning phase enables you to make “drastic improvements” which are generally difficult to implement after the construction is completed. Example of Recommendation:
- Installation of fire wall between production lines and storage area to prevent fire spread.
- Installation of sprinkler system in paint process which has high fire risk
Survey Schedule
- Start new project (Propose survey)
- Construction document (Review for findings and recommendations)
- Start construction
- Construction completed/Facilities installation(Review)
- Modifications (if any)

Viewpoints of Pre Construction Survey
- We will check following points through Questionnaire, Drawings & Documents, and Interview.
- Construction
- Layout
- Fire Segregation (Fire Wall, Fire Door, Fire Shutter)
- Occupancy
- Safety Measure of Equipment (Sensor, Duct Layout etc.)
- Hazardous Material (Safety measure for Storage Area)
- Protection
- Hydrant, Sprinkler, Fire Detector
- Fire Water, Fire Pump Capacity
- Specific Firefighting Facilities (Gas Flooding System)
- Exposure
- Security System (Sensor, CCTV camera)
- Natural Disaster (Flood, Earthquake, Windstorm, Lightning)