Loss Control Survey
Loss control survey
- As modern industry continues to develop and vary, fire risk management becomes more complex and difficult.
- Fire loss consequences, which can involve property damage, business interruptions, life safety, environmental issues, corporate image, lessen market shares and future profitability, can present a major threat to corporate goals and survival.
- We conduct a field survey about your buildings, production process, flammable handling methods etc. and we make comprehensive advices to reduce possible potential fire and explosion risk existent in your premise; vastly based on our knowledge from site surveys, best practices from similar industries, effective counter-measures implemented after a loss incident.
- We hope that this service will be of assistance to you, towards in fulfilling your legal duty in maintaining a safe work environment for all employees.
Characteristic of Fire and Explosion Risk
- To minimize losses caused by fire and explosion, today’s complicated environment requires an organization to handle possible emergency situations that may occur.
- It is necessary to provide adequate fire suppression facilities, safe process operating procedures, adequate firefighting training, and, properly designed and constructed barriers that satisfy fire endurance.
- Virtually all fires are small at first, and it has been proven that prompt firefighting action in the first few minutes in an emergency can make a difference between a minor incident and a major disaster.
- Fire is a threat to business activity (Significant impact on business continuity)
- First 3 minutes is important for firefighting
- Safety control (human element) influence on frequency and extent of loss
- Importance of basic fire prevention activities (Firefighting team training, fire equipment maintenance etc.)

Purpose of Risk Survey
- Risk survey will enable us to provide suggestions to improve safety in your workplace, such that you can control or remove any existing hazards, and fulfil your legal duty to maintain a safe work environment for your employees.
- Good practices from similar industry, which Tokio Marine Group obtained through past risk surveys, will be shared with you to improve the level of your loss control/prevention measures.
- We will try our best to recommend a suitable insurance product appropriate to your current situation and level of risk.