
In the ongoing conflict that commenced in October 2023 with a substantial attack on Israel by Hamas, the Islamic extremist group that effectively governs the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian Authority, the number of civilian casualties has been on the rise due to the Israeli invasion. Amidst the chaotic situation in Gaza, two major international terrorist organizations, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)* and al-Qaeda, have been calling on their affiliates and lone offenders around the world who sympathize with their ideologies to carry out attacks. The global risk of terrorism centered on Islamic extremists is escalating.
Although the current main fields where terrorism is prevalent are South Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, continuous precautions about the 2 major organizations is still needed because it is affecting the rest of the world. In response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, ISIL and Al-Qaeda have respectively called for attacks on these targets.
This article presents an overview of terrorism risks in Southeast Asia (SEA) and South Asia (SA) and outline the measures that companies and employees should adopt.
As for SEA coutnries, the terror trends in Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia are briefly captured based on the “International Terrorism Handbook 2023”. As for SA countries, the terror trend in major nations such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh are summarized with number of cases and actual loss for the past recent years. In addition, the change in terrorism methods from bombing, firearms, kidnappings and abductions top drone attacks, and vehicle attacks have been also listed. And mostly importantly, key measures to be taken by companies to ensure safety & security for their employees when facing with terror risks are well presented as risk prevention solutions.
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